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16 Ways to Overcome Insomnia Naturally, Without Sleep Medicine

16 Ways to Overcome Insomnia Naturally, Without Sleep Medicine

Healthprotech.com Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty sleeping or sleeping, even if you have that opportunity. Insomnia is a very disturbing problem, because all day activities will also be affected. Though sleep is an important activity that the body needs to restore and repair damaged cells and make the body recover. In addition, lack of sleep can cause decreased body functions, ranging from low concentration to weakened immune system. Not surprisingly, many people do various ways to overcome insomnia in order to have quality sleep.

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Insomnia itself has several types. Based on the cause, insomnia is divided into two, namely:

- Primary insomnia. Insomnia that occurs is not due to other health problems and,

- Secondary insomnia. Insomnia that occurs due to a particular health disorder.

While based on the length of time it occurs, insomnia is divided into two, namely:

- Acute insomnia. Insomnia that occurs in a relatively short time due to certain reasons such as nervousness approaching the test period. This acute insomnia generally occurs for one night to several weeks.

- Chronic insomnia. Insomnia in a relatively long time susceptibility that occurs due to a psychology condition that is not good which can last three nights every week for several months.

The most common causes of insomnia are anxiety, stress, and poor sleep habits. Not infrequently, those who experience insomnia choose how to overcome insomnia by taking sleeping pills to sleep. However, this is not recommended as a first aid for insomnia. Sleeping pills are also classified as hard drugs that must be prescribed by a doctor.

Instead of using a sleeping screw, you can try to deal with insomnia naturally. Besides being safer, how to deal with insomnia naturally is also easy to do. Well, the following Liputan6.com summarizes from various sources, how to deal with insomnia naturally.

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Use the bed only to sleep and sleep only when tired.

1. Use a bed just to sleep

How to deal with insomnia naturally is to keep your mind clearly about the function of the bed. If you are used to doing various things in bed, your body will develop habits that lead to insomnia.

If you wake up in the middle of the night, get out of bed for about 20 minutes. Teach to the body if the bed is a place to wake up and sleep.

2. Go to sleep only when tired

Lying on the bed only when you really feel tired is a natural way to deal with insomnia. A tired physical condition will make you fall asleep faster. However, make sure you don't bring any items to the bed. If you wake up in the middle of the night, leave the room to do an activity and come back again when you feel tired and sleepy. However, you must maintain a consistent sleep time to overcome insomnia.

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Apply regular hours of sleep and meditation.

3. Apply regular sleep hours

Going to sleep and waking up at the same hour every day will make your body accustomed to deep sleep. How to deal with insomnia naturally is to choose a clock when you feel most tired and sleepy every night. Usually, adults will sleep at 10:00 or 11:00 a.m.

4. Meditation

The next way to deal with insomnia is by doing meditation, Meditation is not a standard treatment for insomnia, but the best way to rest your brain after a long day. You can try breathing exercises that can make the body relax and stay focused.

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Rutun sports and baths in warm water.

Illustration of sport (Source: pixabay)
5. Exercise routine

Routinely exercising will release cortisol which is a nuisance to natural sleep patterns. How to deal with insomnia naturally is to exercise in the morning such as walking, stretching, or yoga. You can also do light exercise, stretching and massage that will help smooth your blood flow. If you choose to exercise at night, make sure the time of the exercise is a minimum of 3 hours before bedtime.

A flexible and pain-free body gives us a better and longer sleep time. Most people suffer from back or hip pain so they often wake up from sleep because they feel sudden joint pain and prevent you from going back to sleep.

6. Take a warm bath

One way to deal with insomnia naturally is the most effective way to overcome insomnia is to take a warm bath before going to bed. Because, after bathing, the body will relax and make you sleepy quickly.

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Maintain consistent sleep and wake up and eat early.

7. Maintain consistent sleep and wake up time

Maintain regular sleep and wake up for at least a week, if you suffer from chronic insomia. If you really feel tired for a number of reasons, don't try to go to bed early, keep holding on to the usual bedtime. Maintaining sleep and waking up consistently is a way to deal with insomnia naturally.

8. Eat early

The next way to deal with insomnia is by not eating heavy foods three hours before going to bed. Also, do not consume too much alcohol because a lot of sugar levels can provide poor quality in the body, especially in the heart and liver.

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Get rid of cellphones and other gadgets before bed and turn off the lights

Illustration of playing cellphones (Source: Pixabay)
Illustration of playing cellphones (Source: Pixabay)
9. Get rid of cellphones and other gadgets before bed

Don't try to play cellphones and other gadgets when it comes to bedtime. Although difficult this habit needs to be applied because this is a way to overcome insomnia naturally effectively. Because the light emitted by mobile phones is stimulating the brain and will make it difficult for you to fall asleep.

10. Turn off the lights

The way to deal with insomnia naturally is by turning off the light. Make sure there is no light source in the bed area. Soft blue light from a cellphone, tablet or digital clock on a bedside table can be one of the reasons you can't sleep. Try turning off the light source in the room one hour before going to bed.

11. Try placing a pillow on the foot

For some people, insomnia comes because the back feels painful. Your lower back might wake you up enough because of a mild pain that disturbs your sleep. How to deal with insomnia naturally is to put a pillow between your legs to align your hips. If you sleep on your back, tuck the pillow under your knee to ease the pain.

Consumption of melatonin-rich kiwi

In addition to applying positive habits, how to deal with insomnia naturally is to consume some food ingredients. How to deal with insomnia with natural ingredients is also often done because the content in these foods is believed to help sleep fast. Well, here's how to deal with insomnia with natural ingredients.

12. Consumption of melatonin-rich kiwi

Eating foods rich in melatonin allows the body to sleep better. How to deal with insomnia with natural ingredients is to eat fruits that are rich in melatonin such as kiwi. Research found that those who ate two kiwifruit one hour before going to bed for four weeks showed increased efficiency, quality and quantity of sleep.

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Drink cherry juice and drink milk.

Illustration of Milk White (iStockphoto)
Illustration of Milk White (iStockphoto)
13. Drink cherry juice

How to deal with insomnia with the next natural ingredient is with cherry juice. 2018 research found that those who drank one cup of cherry tart juice twice a day for two weeks experienced an increase in sleep time of 84 minutes.

14. Drink milk

Milk contains tryptophan which can help calm the body and make the body more relaxed so that sleep becomes easier. Try to consume warm milk every day before going to bed. How to deal with insomnia with natural ingredients is believed to be able to help you sleep faster.

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Consumption of bananas and the aroma of lavender.

Banana Fruit Illustration (iStockphoto)
Banana Fruit Illustration (iStockphoto)
15. Consumption of Banana

How to deal with insomnia with other natural ingredients is by eating bananas. The content of potassium, magnesium, tryptophan, and vitamins in bananas can regulate brain and body function By consuming bananas it will produce optimal hormone levels such as melatonin and serotine which will help the body to fall asleep faster.

16. Aroma of Lavender

The gentle aroma of lavender can calm the mind and also create good feelings. How to deal with insomnia with natural ingredients is to drip lavender oil on the bed or clothes. This way will make the body feel relaxed and easily fall asleep.