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11 Benefits Of Breastfeeding With Breast Milk

Protec Health - Nature gives us many valuable gifts, including breast, the best food for your baby. Here are 11 benefits that you must understand and consider before choosing between breast milk and formula milk. breast milk contains at least 100 ingredients not found in cow's milk. This nutrient also cannot be made in a laboratory. Then, the composition of breast milk keeps changing to meet the needs of the baby: different in the morning than in the afternoon; different at the beginning of breastfeeding from the end of breastfeeding; different in the first month from the seventh month; different for premature babies from babies who are on time.
11 Benefits of breastfeeding with breast milk

1. Custom made
Made for the purposes of human babies, breast milk contains at least 100 ingredients not found in cow's milk. This nutrient also cannot be made in a laboratory. Then, the composition of breast milk keeps changing to meet the needs of the baby: different in the morning than in the afternoon; different at the beginning of breastfeeding from the end of breastfeeding; different in the first month from the seventh month; different for premature babies from babies who are on time. Nutrition in breast milk matches the baby's needs and the baby's ability to handle it. For example, breast milk contains less sodium than formula cow's milk, making it easier for the baby's kidneys to digest it.

2. Easy to digest
Breast milk is designed for the baby's digestive system that is sensitive and still developing. ASI protein (the amount of lactalbumin) and fat can be more easily digested by the baby than protein (the number of caseinogens) and fat in cow's milk. Babies are also easier to absorb important micronutrients in breast milk than cow's milk (nutrients are designed to be absorbed by baby cows).

Breastfed babies have a low risk of bloating / gurgling and excessive vomiting.

3. Safe
You can be sure that breast milk from the breast will not be stale or contaminated (assuming you don't have a disease that makes breastfeeding harmful to the baby).

4. Prevent allergies
Babies almost never have allergies to breast milk. However, the baby may be sensitive to something consumed by the mother who comes out through breast milk. ASI itself can be well tolerated. In addition, more than 1 in 10 babies, after initial exposure, turned out to have allergies to formula milk. Some studies also show that breastfed babies have a lower risk of asthma and eczema than babies who drink formula milk.

5. Soothing the stomach
Because of the natural laxative effect of breast milk and because the digestive process of breast milk is easier, suckling babies are rarely affected by constipation. Although the movement of breast milk is very fast, diarrhoea is rarely a problem. In fact, breast milk reduces the risk of digestive disorders by destroying harmful microorganisms and supporting beneficial growth.

6. Prevent diaper rash
Breastfeeding baby stools have a lower risk of causing diaper rash, but these benefits (including more tolerable odours) will be lost when solid foods are introduced.

7. Infection prevention
From the first time to the last time they suckle, they get a healthy dose of antibodies to maintain disease immunity. In general, they will be exposed to fewer fever, ear infections, lower respiratory tract infections, and several other diseases compared to babies who drink formula milk, and when they are exposed to the disease, they usually recover faster and with fewer complications. Breastfeeding also increases the immune response to immunization for almost all diseases such as tetanus, diphtheria and polio. Breastfeeding can also increase protection against sudden infant death syndrome / SIDS.

8. Is a fat leveller
Breastfed babies are usually not as fat as babies using formula milk. Some because breastfeeding adjusts the baby's appetite with its consumption. Babies who are breastfed will stop when they are full, while babies using formula milk will usually spend the bottle. What's more, calorie ASI is controlled. The milk that babies receive at the end of a breastfeeding session has a higher calorie than breast milk at the beginning of a breastfeeding session and tends to make the baby feel full. Although the results of the study are not yet clear, it has been mentioned that the benefits of the fight against fat from breastfeeding continue until later. Some studies show that breastfed children have a lower risk of being overweight during adolescence.

9. Brain triggers
Breastfeeding is said to increase a child's IQ, at least from the age of 15 years, and possibly in adulthood. This may be related not only to brain-forming fatty acids (DHA) in breast milk, but also to the mother-child interactions formed by breastfeeding, which are likely to make intellectual development.

10. Satisfaction of breastfeeding
Babies can continue breastfeeding an empty breast after it's finished. this can calm anxious babies. Empty bottles cannot allow continued suckling.

11. Forms a stronger mouth
The most advanced artificial pacifiers still fail to provide training for the jaws, gums, teeth, and baby palate needed to ensure optimal oral development and some benefits for the baby's teeth later. Babies who suckle have a lower risk of being exposed to tartar in childhood.

These are 11 benefits of breastfeeding. You should consider the benefits of formula feeding to decide which is best for your baby. Contact a doctor or nutrition specialist for advice and questions if you still have questions.

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