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Amaretto Aloha Cocktail

Amaretto Aloha Cocktail
The Amaretto Aloha Cocktail sweeps you away to the tropics! A simple beverage to prepare, make a pitcher for your next party!
Amaretto Aloha Cocktail
Way back in what seems now a million moons ago, my husband and I celebrated our honeymoon on an amazing cruise through the Hawaiian Islands. It was a downright magical experience that left us both in awe of our 50th state. We enjoyed so many things about the islands, the lush greenery, the flowers, the warm Pacific breezes…ahhhh I long to go back! What the cruise did for us was help us narrow down which islands we’d love to return back to some day for a longer visit and which ones were nice to see but didn’t have the vibe we were looking for.
I’d highly recommend taking a cruise if you aren’t quite sure which island you’d like to book a vacation on. Visiting on a cruise helps you with the choices. My blogging partner Heather even wrote a post about her 1st cruise experience, check it out HERE!
Now, of course, you eat well on cruise ships, that’s no big secret. What I also personally enjoyed was trying new cocktails while on the ship. There’s nothing like the warm ocean breezes hitting your skin while you are peacefully sitting on the deck enjoying an evening cocktail. One such cocktail that I remember trying had a fancy name I no longer remember. What I do remember was it was part Amaretto and part pineapple juice and it was really tasty. I’m sure it had other ingredients in it but my version is what I’m sharing with you today, an Amaretto Aloha Cocktail which has a taste of the tropics at home.
The flavors in this cocktail combine wonderfully and it is the perfect cocktail that takes me back to my time sailing through the Hawaiian Islands without a care in the world. Go ahead give this one a try, you’ll be feeling the ocean breezes and grabbing a hula skirt in no time!

Amaretto Aloha Cocktail
Prep Time: 2 minutes
Yield: 1 cocktail

  • 1 oz Amaretto
  • 2 oz pineapple juice
  • 2 oz cranberry juice
  • Ice
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  • Add ingredients along with ice into cocktail shaker. Shake to blend. Pour into glass and serve immediately.
To make additional servings double, triple or even quadruple ingredients.